
School Flu Immunization Clinic Consent Form

Dear Parent or Guardian,

This fall, your school and the Weber-Morgan Health Department are partnering to provide their annual Flu Immunization Clinic. In addition to Flu vaccine WMHD will be offering the required 7th grade immunizations for students in the 6th grade (Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV). Weber-Morgan Health Department nurses will be offering immunizations to all students and school faculty. Family members are also welcome to attend and receive vaccinations at the same time. We hope this will provide an easy opportunity for students, faculty and families to receive their flu vaccine.

 Please fill out the attached Consent Form and send it with your child on the day of the Flu Clinic. We will not be able to provide a vaccine without a consent form. We will also have flu forms available during the flu clinic that you can fill out at that time. If you are unable to print the form, the school will be sending out forms with your students soon.  The clinic will be at Municipal on Octber 21st at 9:00.

If you have any questions about the Flu Immunization Clinic, you can reach out to the Weber -Morgan Health Department at (801)399-7239