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January 18, 2023 minutes

Community Council Minutes

January 18, 2023

Municipal Elementary Library 1:30 PM

1. Welcome  (In attendance: Katie Bennion, Hillary Barton, Whitney Greenhalgh, Jacci Strain, Kevin Chase, & Enaka Lassiter - via digital media.)  Reading of the minutes was foregone due to a two girls missing from the school and the chaos of trying to locate them, our meeting was already late in starting. 

2.  Election of new Community Council Chair - Due to an unforseen need of previous Council Chair, we needed to elect a new chair.)  Hillary Barton nominated Katie Bennion.  Whitney Greenhalgh seconded, unanimous vote by all present to elect Katie as new Chair. 

3. Title one update - Principal Chase gave a quick update of Title one funds and progress.

4. Review of this year's estimated expenses- Principal Chase reviewed where the Land Trust money was spent this year and progress being made due to the help.

5. Review of the pupose of Trustlands funds - Principal Chase reminded the committee where money could be spent and the purpose of the money before we started looking at greatest need. 

6. Discussion of need for next year's funds and proposed amounts to each category - Open discussion of where our school is seeing need.  RISE testing continues to point to reading and math as being large concenrs.  Acadience reading indicates a need in 1st and 2nd grades especially with the reading.  Social issues and possible parenting helps as well as Leader In Me options to help students with emotional regulation and how to get along better with one another.  Self Defense, safety on digital media, meditation/yoga were all areas that were proposed as possible areas to be taught during the PLC rotations.  There was also a question about a designated crosswalk need for students crossing 2200 W. from the West to the East side after school on 5900 S. - Follow up with Roy City was assigned to Kevin Chase to see what options are available. Discussion about field trips and other life experiences being an option to have allowing students to learn about their world.   Approximate amounts were assigned to the needs and a draft plan will be constructed and emailed to all members of the council by Feb 6.

7. Dismiss - Katie Benion