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TSSA Plan 2021-2022 school year

Teacher and Student Success Plan 2021-2022

School Information

Name of Administrator:   Kevin Chase 

Name of School: Municipal Elementary School

Goal # 1


Improve student understanding in reading and math.  Specifically phonics skills in grades k-3 and comprehension/inference in grades 3-6 for reading.  Math will focus on filling in the holes where students have missed prerequisite information to understand the grade level material, or material that has already been covered in class. 


Goal #1 Action Steps

A student advocate position will be created to work with students who are struggling.  They will assist in both reading and math.  ($12000)

Purchase substitutes to allow teachers time once a quarter to meet and map out where the needs are for the upcoming quarter.   ($2000)                                                             

Professional development to include conferences, purchasing substitutes which will allow teachers to go view other teachers or coaching time to occur during the school day, and a book purchase of the teacher’s choice to improve in the area they feel is needed  ($1500)

Support the digital side of learning by: the purchase of 2 interactive LED panels to allow students and teachers to interact with the curriculum in a digital format,  installation and wiring of multiple interactive LED panels, lease of chromebooks for students and teachers to allow for more use of the imagine learning reading program and the corresponding math review software  ($15000) 

Money was allowed to carry over from last year, so we will be able to purchase the LED panels that would have been purchased last year and installed assuming they are not on backorder any longer.  


Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)


  • School personnel stipends
  •  Professional learning
  •  Additional school employees
  • Social and emotional learning support
  • College and career readiness skills
  • Student leadership development
  • Technology
  • Before – or after – school programs
  • Community support programs or partnerships
  • Early childhood education
  • Class size reduction strategies
  • Other 

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.Goal # 1 Measures of Success


We will know our goal has been met when we have 30% average growth on Acacience composite score from the beginning of the year test to the end of the year test in Kinder through 6th grade, and a 50% average growth increase in the district math SGA tests when comparing beginning of the year to end of the year understanding.


Goal #2

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #2

Increase student emotional and mental well being, and increase the leadership capacities in students and teachers.


Goal #2 Action Steps 

Obtain the services of an aide to provide an R&R recess where grades 4-6 learn specific game rules and how to interact when there are concerns, they in turn work with grades k-3 on  those same rules and social skills  ( $3500)

Obtain the services of a mental health specialist that can work with our students who are dealing with more ACE’s trauma and need more attention with their social regulation.  The software program Panorama will be used to help identify needs of students ($4,000)

Continue working with the Leader In Me school program to help students and faculty learn and live with healthy habits and develop leadership skills.  This will require student notebooks, professional development with teachers,  student leadership supplies and materials to celebrate student success.  ($3500)

Utilizing the STEM/makerspace to create more community building, increase student voice, and networking of students.  Additional materials used in the modeling and creating stages will be purchased to allow students the opportunity to work together in solving a challenge.  ($2,500)

Any additional carry-over money from last year will be used to augment a line item on goal one or two.


Goal #2 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)


  • School personnel stipends
  •  Professional learning
  • Additional school employees
  • emotional well being  learning support
  • College and career readiness skills
  • Student leadership development
  • Technology
  • Before – or after – school programs
  • Community support programs or partnerships
  • Early childhood education
  • Class size reduction strategies
  • Other 

Goal # 2 Measures of Success:


We will use the Panorama program to identify student needs and progress in their emotional and mental health well being.  We are looking for an overall increase of 10% in student response to the survey from beginning to the end of the school year. 

Stakeholder Involvement


Who was involved in developing this plan? (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)

  • Educators
  • Collaborative Leadership Team
  • Administrators
  • Students
  • Community Council Members
  • Parents
  • Support Professionals
  • Other 

Fill in here for other




Administrator Signature

Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals. 

Signature :  Kevin Chase

Date :  July 14, 2021