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October 20, 2021 Minutes

Welcome: Kevin Chase
In Attendance: Kaylene Robinson, Whitney Greenhalgh, Kevin Chase, Hillary Barton, Kayla Eborn and Jacci Strain (virtual due to meeting conflict & sickness.) Mary Burrell could not join due to a family concern.
Council voted on a council chair and it was unanimous that Hillary Barton would be the Chair. She welcomed all and turned the time to Principal Chase to cover the school level items. It was brought to vote on the Rules of Order to accept them as they were last year and it was a unanimous decision to accept by all present and virtual.
Kevin Chase explained briefly the source of money and how much Municipal Elementary receives. He discussed the goal attainment of last years goals and how much money was spent to attain them. RISE data was not available at the moment so that data will be presented as it becomes available. The Title one Plan was explained briefly and all were encouraged to read it on the web page, but it was presented to show how it aligned with the Teacher and student Success Plan and the Land Trust Plan.
Time was given to the council for input on how to involve more families in Municipal's day to day and parent nights with suggestions given to send a small regular "Remind" text rather than large emails. It was also suggested that the texts be specific on what help or options parents had to participate.
Tentative dates were set for the remaining meetings as follows:
Dec 1st 1:15 in the library
Jan 26th 1:15 in the library
Feb 2nd 1:15 in the library
Hillary Barton motioned to close the meeting and Kaylene 2nd.
Meeting was adjourned until Dec 1st.