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February 4, 2020 Minutes

1. Welcome by Allison Murphy. In Attendance: Whitney Greenhalgh, Kaylene Robinson, Mary Burrell, Kevin Chase, Jacci Strain, and Hillary Barton.

2. Time was given to Kevin Chase to review of this year's Trustlands Plan, Reading Plan, Professional Development Plan, TSSA Plan, and Title one Plan. It was pointed out how there are common goals for schoolwide improvement, and that the Community Council gives input into all other areas of improvement as well.
3. Time was given in open forum for feedback on direction of our school for next year. It was brought up that the speech and Alternative Kindergarten classes could use a specific program with photograph aides. After looking at the cost, Mr. Chase said we could use some of this year's money to purchase the items this year and not have to wait until next year. Some questions were asked about clothing and food needs of families. It was explained that Catholic Community Services provides emergency packs of food for students that go home with kids on a regular basis, and that we have coats, shoes, and other clothing items in an emergency closet for students in need. Community Council took a quick tour of this area to see what was available.
4. The Council expresses that they liked the direction of the current goals being Reading, Math, and providing time for PLC's for teachers to plan and identify the needs of individuals who did not pass their ELT goals. Hillary Barton proposed that the $2000 not needed for the Chromebook Carts from last year be added to the Aide time set apart for Math interventions. Mary Burrell seconded and all present were in favor. Mr. Chase was given the task of writing the plan for next year and sending out a draft for pre-approval.
5. Time was opened for other input as needed- suggestion that future meeting times be posted on the PTA facebook page. Jacci Strain was given the task to talk to Web Master of that page to get February's meeting on there.
6. No extra members from the community were present so no time was given to non-council members.
7. Confirm time of next meeting. was set for February 19th at 2 PM.


minutes approve 2/19/20