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November 13, 2019 Minutes

1. Welcome by Allison Murphy
People present: Allison Murphy, Whitney Greenhalgh, Mary Burrell, Hillary Barton, Kaylene Robinson, Kevin Chase, Jacci Strain

2. Kevin Chase reviewed videos and questions from council about where Land Trust money comes from, and our responsibilities as council members. No questions were asked.
3. Kevin Chase reviewed this year's goals and current progress towards those goals including a breakdown by grade showing the growth levels attained by 4th, 5th and 6th grade on the RISE test last year. Most money is going towards aide time helping to improve reading and math abilities.
4. Kevin Chase gave updates on School Improvement plan and how the Reading Plan, Professional Development Plan, Trustlands Plan, Title One Plan, TSI Plan, and TSSA Plan all work towards the same goal. Again, most allocations are going toward aide time to help students in reading, math, some spent for a structured recess, and other spent on technology and items for maker space area.
5. Mr Chase gave an update on Title One Plan
6. Kevin Chase asked for feedback on Family Engagement night and Watch Dogs program.
7. Allison then asked if there were any other input- members of the council asked if we wanted to address special needs resources for the school, how we can help those with ADHD and other needs- possibly with indoor recess items, and finally how do we generate more use of the maker space room.
8. Confirm time of next meeting will be 15th of Jan at 2 PM for the purpose of starting our plan for next year.


Minutes approved 2/4/20