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Back to School news :)

Parents and students, 
This year has brought some interesting challenges for all of us. I appreciate all of your understanding as we have tried to get correct information out to you in a timely manner.   I also appreciate your kind emails and phone calls supporting our school and the direction we are heading.
We are about to start my favorite time of the year when school starts up again--which will bring more challenges that we are ready to handle.  We are excited that we get to start school with students in classes and can't wait to see their faces back in our school. 
I love the flexibility of the decision our superintendent and school board made to open school 5 days a week with options to parents to keep students learning from home if their situation requires them to be more cautious.  I know that there are many personal views on what should be happening to open school and I realize that we will never be able to have our school fit all of those differing presumptions.  We do want to keep "in-person" learning a continuing option so we will be following the State Public Health Order and will be making every effort we can to make students safe and comfortable. Currently we are working on barriers in classrooms that would allow students to take their masks or shields off as soon as all students are seated should they want to. This means students would only be required to have their masks on during busing, transitions, and when going to the restroom.  We hope this makes wearing the masks a little more attainable for some of our younger (and older) students.
Back to School night will obviously need to be modified this year.  Each teacher will be creating a video which we will be posting by August 24th on our school website under the 'classroom' tab.  This video will help students get to know their classroom, and how to get there from the front and side door.  It will also help them get to know their teacher and take the place of our regular Back to School night activities.  On August 24th, teachers will be available during the scheduled times below on the track behind the school to talk with and share any personal information about students that you feel is needed- please wear a mask once you are within 6 feet of the teacher or other parents and students.  If you don't feel comfortable in coming, you are welcome to email your student's teacher directly with that information. We ask that you follow the schedule below if at all possible (if not possible, we would still love to see you when you can come from 5:30-7:30 PM): 
Last names:
A- G  5:30-6:00  
H-N 6:00-6:30
O- S 6:30-7:00
T-Z 7:00- 7:30
As you know from the letter that WSD sent out, we have shortened each day in the first quarter by 45 minutes.  The first week of school will be an exception in that we will be in school from 8:30-1:15 Wed 8/26, Thurs 8/27, & Fri 8/28.  After that we will be following this schedule: 
Monday, Tues, Thurs, Friday  8:30- 2:30
Wednesday 8:30-12:30.  
Breakfast will still be offered from 8:15-8:30 AM every school day. 
Lunches will be served at the following times: 
Kinder 11-11:35
2nd 11:10-11:45
3rd 11:20-11:55
4th 11:30-12:05
6th 11:40-12:15
1st 11:50-12:25
5th 12:00-12:35
We do ask that if you want to eat with your child, please let us know ahead of time and we will let your student get their lunch and then come eat in a different spot with you.  We will need all of our seats in the lunchroom due to the distancing that we are required to have.  Thank you for your help in this matter. 
We are not asking for any school supplies this year due to the hardship this pandemic has already placed on families.  If your family has not had those hardships and you'd still like to donate, we know we will be needing many paper towels, tissues, Clorox type wipes, ziplock bags, and Expo markers.
We hope you are all on the portal, if not, please call and get that set up so you can find out who your students' teachers are on August 12th. Don't forget that all parents and students (new and existing) need to digitally sign the registration documents on the portal as soon as possible.
Please stay safe and keep up the reading!