January 26, 2022 Minutes
Minutes Jan 26, 2022
In attendance: In person: Kevin Chase, Jacci Strain, Hillary Barton, Whitney Greenhalgh, Kayla Eborn. Via Zoom: Kaylene Robinson
Hillary welcomed all and reviewed and then vote was held to approve minutes from Dec 1, 2021 (unanimous approval.)
Kevin then explained recent Title one implementation, Trustlands Plan spending and implementation, and ESSER goals progress.
Jahnin Harper explained our Safety plan with special attention to the "Hold" in place and the active shooter precautions. A question was asked about locking doors and Mr. Chase explained that this summer we should be installing the RIF doors that only open with the employee card and all doors should be locked starting next year.
Mr. Chase then explained the district and school level precautions against unintended and intended searching for inappropriate material as well as explained parental options with the BARK program available.
The committee then held a discussion of where money for next year's plan should go including Aide time for help in Reading and Math, professional development and digital support. We then allocated the amounts to each of the different parts of the plan and Whitney proposed that we tentatively vote to approve the draft plan for next year, Hillary seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous. It was decided that Mr. Chase would type up the draft plan and send out the document for all to read at their own leisure and vote to approve the final at the next meeting.
Hillary thanked all for coming and dismissed the council.